Health and Wellness

Dean of Students

亚洲博彩平台排名 is committed to creating an environment that supports the health, safety and well-being of all students. We embrace the tenets of our mission to impart and expand knowledge, develop skills and cultivate enduring values. Through evidence-based and theory-driven strategies, initiatives and programs, we promote individual growth, cultivate a community of advocates, and create an environment that embraces wellness.

Health Education and Prevention

The health education and prevention program focuses on promoting individual growth, cultivating a community of advocates, and creating an environment that embraces wellness. Meet a peer wellness educator at a Wellness Wednesday activity to learn about a new wellness topic each week and develop new wellness skills. Join us for a wellness advocacy training or workshop to learn how you can use bystander intervention strategies to be a positive member of the 亚洲博彩平台排名 community. Take part in Saturday Night Sober for weekend fun and advocacy events to raise awareness for wellness support.

There are many ways to get involved with health education and prevention. Stop by the wellness room, follow us on Instagram or email to learn more.

New Student Education

Before arriving on campus, all new students complete two virtual learning activities. AlcoholEdu and Sexual Assault Prevention are offered through Vector Solutions and communications about the program are sent to students’ email addresses. These self-paced, interactive learning activities allow students to explore critical issues, reflect on personal decision making, and learn about the policies and expectation that shape the 亚洲博彩平台排名 community.

These trainings open Aug. 1 and are due the week prior to New Seahawk Orientation. Please email with any questions.


ScreenU is a tool that provides personalized feedback about your alcohol, cannabis and/or prescription drug use. This resource can help you identify if you are experiencing any negative effects from your substance use and provide ways for you to keep yourself and your friends safer. All responses are anonymous, and your individual results will not be reported to anyone.

Wellness Resources

Emotional wellness is how you manage the range of feelings that humans experience. Reflect about how you are feeling. How are you doing? Are you happy? Are you feeling frustrated or upset frequently? Negativity is indicative of poor emotional wellness. Don’t hesitate to ask for help and understand that circumstances can change even if it takes time.

Emotional Wellness Resources

Intellectual wellness means engaging in lifelong learning in the healthiest way. At 亚洲博彩平台排名, as a part of our mission, we strive to be lifelong learners.

Intellectual Wellness Resources

Physical wellness includes many aspects of one's physical well-being. It is important to educate oneself about diet, exercise, sleep, sexual health and dealing with illness. Physical wellness helps you maintain a healthy life, so that you can complete activities to the best of your abilities.

Physical Wellness Resources

Social wellness is all about the relationships in someone’s life. You should surround yourself with people that make you feel happy and loved, encourage your health and safety, and support you. Reflecting about the relationships in your life is an important aspect of social wellness.

Social Wellness Resources

Spiritual wellness is having a set of values, morals and beliefs that give you a sense of purpose and meaning. A strong and healthy spiritual wellness can provide an escape from stress-inducing activities and reduce stress.

Spiritual Wellness Resources